Gene superfamily: collagen, type IV, alpha; (COL4A1 COL4A2 COL4A3 COL4A4 COL4A5 COL4A6)


[1] Collagen IV is assigned to the group of nonfibrillar collagens associated with the basal membrane. It is a heterotrimer consisting of two alpha-1 and one alpha-2 peptides. Both genes are physically linked and located no more than 400 kb apart, although the estimation of the genetic distance on the basis of recombination analysis appeared to be much more (Bowcock-1988): 2.8% on the average, with confidence limits 0.6-7.8%). Both murine Col4 genes were shown (Burbelo-1988) to be located 130 kb apart by the head-to-head pattern. They are transcribed from different strands, under the control of a common promoter, which intervenes them and is modulated by the enhancer located in the first A1 intron.
[2] A review (Kornblihtt AR, Gutmamn A) on the molecular biology of collagens and other extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, laminin, vitronectin, etc.) with extensive bibliography (252 references) is available in Biol.Rev.,63, 465-507, 1988. The bibliography given below overlaps partly with references on another peptide from this subfamily, COL4A2."