Неязвенное поражение роговицы: литература

Chavkin MJ, Roberts SM, Salman MD, et al: Risk factors for development of chronic superficial keratitis in dogs. J Am Vet Med

Assoc 10:1630, 1994. A retrospective, statistical analysis of demographic and environmental risk factors for CSK.

Cooley PL, Dice PF: Corneal dystrophy in the dog and cat. Vet Clin North Am 20:681, 1990. A discussion including the characteristics of corneal dystrophy according to breed.

Crispin SM: Lipid keratopathy in the dog. Vet Ann 27:196, 1987. A review of the clinical signs, pathogenic mechanisms, and treatment of this disorder.

Holmberg DL, Scheifer HB, Parent J: The cryosurgical treatment of pigmentary keratitis in dogs. Vet Surg 15:1, 1986. A description of the technique, potential complications, and clinical outcome of corneal cryosurgery.

Jackson PA, Kaswan RL, Merideth RE, et al: Chronic superficial keratitis in dogs: A placebo controlled trial of topical cyclosporine treatment. Prog Vet Comp Ophthalmol 1:269,1991. A prospective study evaluating the clinical effect of twice daily cyclosporine therapy for CSK.

Linton LL, Moore CP, Collier LL: Bilateral lipid keratopathy in a Boxer dog: Cholesterol analyses and dietary management. Prog Vet Comp Ophthalmol 3:9,1993. A description of the clinical manifestations, diagnostic evaluation, surgical, and medical treatment of lipid keratopathy.

Morgan RV: Feline corneal sequestration: A retrospective study of 42 cases (1987-1991). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 30:24, 1994. A retrospective analysis of the clinical features, diagnostic testing, and treatments of corneal sequestration.

Morgan RV, Abrams KL, Kern TJ: Feline eosinophilic keratitis: A retrospective study of 54 cases: (1989-1994). Vet Comp Ophthalmol 6:131, 1996. A review of eosinophilic keratitis with a discussion of diagnostic testing and treatment.

Paulsen ME, Lavach JD, Snyder SP, et al: Nodular granulomatous episclerokeratitis in dogs: 19 cases (1973-1985). J Am Vet Med Assoc 190:1581, 1987. A retrospective study evaluating the success, remission duration, and complications associated with various medical therapies for NGE.

Whitley RD: Canine cornea. In: Gelatt KN, ed: Veterinary Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1991, p 307. A review of the various forms of nonulcerative corneal disease, including numerous photographs.
