Эпифора: литература

Covitz D, Hunziker J, Koch SA: Conjunctivorhinostomy: A surgical method for the control of epiphora in the dog and cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc 171:251, 1977. A report on the surgical technique of Conjunctivorhinostomy and the outcome of this method of therapy in 21 dogs.

Laing EJ, Spiess B, Binnington AG: Dacryocystotomy: A treatment for chronic dacryocystitis in the dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 24:223, 1988. A description of the surgical technique of dacryocystotomy and a review of three dogs receiving this therapy.

Lavach JD, Severin GA, Roberts SM: Dacryocystitis in dogs: A review of twenty-two cases. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 20:463, 1984. A retrospective study of dacryocystitis in dogs, describing diagnosis and therapy.

Peiffer RL, Nasisse MP, Cook CS, Harling DE: Surgery of the canine and feline orbit, adnexa and globe. Part 2: Congenital abnormalities of the eyelid and cilial abnormalities. Companion Animal Practice 27, 1987. The second part of a nine-pan series of ophthalmic surgeries in dogs and cats focusing on eyelid abnormalities including medial canthus entropion.

Severin GA: Nasolacrimal duct catheterization in the dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 18:13, 1982. A report on the technique of placing a nasolacrimal catheter in the dog.
